Types, causes, symptoms, and treatments for liver disease

The second-largest organ in your body, behind the skin, is the liver. It is around the size of a football and sits on your right side, just under your ribcage. As nutrients and trash pass through your digestive system, the liver separates them. Additionally, it creates bile, a fluid that facilitates digestion and transports toxins from your body.

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Any of the various illnesses that can harm your liver are referred to as "liver diseases." Liver illness can eventually lead to cirrhosis (scarring). The liver can no longer function normally when more scar tissue takes the place of good liver tissue. Liver failure and liver cancer can result from untreated liver illness.


How widespread is liver illness?

In sum, 30 million Americans—or one in ten—have some form of liver illness. The number of Americans who have cirrhosis or chronic liver disease is over 5.5 million.

Because they are linked to rising obesity rates, some kinds of liver diseases are becoming more prevalent in the United States. A disorder known as non-alcohol-related fatty liver disease (NAFD) is thought to affect 20% to 30% of adults. To better highlight its connection to metabolic syndrome and diseases including diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and obesity, this disorder might be termed metabolic-associated fatty liver disease .


What factors lead to various forms of liver disease?

Different reasons lead to various forms of liver disease. Liver illness can be brought on by:

Viral infections: Hepatitis A, B, and C are conditions brought on by a viral infection.

Having immune system issues: Autoimmune liver problems can result from your immune system wrongly attacking your liver. These include autoimmune hepatitis and primary biliary cholangitis.

Diseases that run in families: Some liver issues are brought on by a genetic defect that you acquire from your parents. Hemochromatosis and Wilson disease are two examples of inherited liver conditions.

Cancer: Tumours may form in your liver when abnormal cells proliferate there. These tumors might be malignant (liver cancer) or benign (noncancerous).

overindulging in poisons Alcohol use is the cause of fatty liver disease associated with alcohol. Overeating fat causes non-alcohol-related fatty liver disease (NAFLD). As the prevalence of obesity and diabetes rises, NAFLD is becoming more widespread.

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