Online store to purchase Dr. Reckeweg Testes Siccati homeopathic trituration tablets

Dr. Reckeweg Testis Siccati Trituration Tablet 3X Important Symptoms

It is recommended for difficult erections that result in early ejaculation.

It aids in raising the sperm count.

Testis Siccati 3x

Dr. Reckeweg Testis Siccati Trituration Tablet 3X Reactions

Even if you are taking other forms of medication, such as allopathic or ayurvedic, the tablets are safe to ingest. Homeopathic remedies never affect how other medications work. It has no adverse effects and is risk-free.

Dr. Reckeweg Testis Siccati 3x  Trituration Tablet dosage: three times

Tablets should be swallowed and allowed to dissolve under the tongue.

(12 years and older) Adults and adolescents2 to 4 pills, taken four times a day, or as directed by your doctor

Children (under the age of 12)2 pills, twice daily

A dose is given every hour or two in severe instances

A dosage every ten to fifteen minutes for severe, painful affections

daily doses of one to four for chronic ailments


When using Testes Siccati, exercise cautiously

Always allow 15 minutes between taking medication and eating.

Before using, see a homeopath if you are pregnant or nursing.

While taking medicine, refrain from consuming alcohol or smoke.


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