Adel 2 apo-HAM drops, a homoeopathic treatment for piles, works well.


INDICATED FOR: Proctitis and inflamed, burning, and bleeding haemorrhoids.


The ADEL 2 (apo-HAM) drops are very helpful for treating bleeding, burning, and haemorrhoids. Additionally, this medicine aids in the relief of discharge from the anal canal (back passage).

Aesculus hippocastanum 6x, Anacardium 4x, Collinsonia canad 4x, Ignatia 4x, Melilotus officinalis 6x, Sedum acre 4x, and Thlaspi Bursa pastoris 4x are among the ingredients.

Acidum nitricum stops mild bleeding and stabbing pains at the junction of the skin and mucous membranes. Mucous membrane irritation is also addressed.

The well-known herb Aesculus hippocastanum is excellent at preventing oedema. It cures venous obstruction, and painful varicose veins, and strengthens capillaries. The burning sensation that usually accompanies haemorrhoids can also be effectively treated with it.

Anacardium enhances the digestive system's overall performance and the intestinal tract's capacity to eliminate waste products correctly.

The portal vein is opened up by Collinsonia canadensis, aiding in the relief of constipation. This ingredient also helps the heart function at its highest level naturally and gets rid of cardiac insufficiency.

Ignatia treats neurotic tension on the cerebral and emotional levels. It relieves the digestive system's propensity to cramp, which can eventually result in the formation of haemorrhoids.

Vein obstruction and thrombosis are prevented with Melilotus officinalis. The plant contains coumarin, which dilates blood arteries throughout the body, including those in the heart and brain. Additionally, this medication treats lymph stagnation and blockage, which can result in chronic congestive headaches.

Since ancient times, sedum acre has been recognized as a powerful anti-inflammatory agent. It also aids in lessening post-purgation pain.

Thlaspi Bursa pastoris works well to stop bleeding and relieve pain from knife wounds. This chemical reduces internal bleeding as well as bleeding from wounds.


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