German homeopathic Gastrobin (20ml) by Dr. Willmar Schwabe cures gas

In circumstances where the gastric mucous membrane is irritated because of too much gastric acid, Gastrobin is a very consistently effective preparation. It controls the amount of acid in the stomach, which relieves common hyperacidity problems like heartburn, stomach burning, pressure and pains, gastric sensitivity to pressure, acid eructation, and sour or acid vomiting.


Additionally, Gastrobin has proven to be extremely helpful in cases of hyperacidity and an anxiously upset stomach.

100 g contain

Natrum phosphoricum 3x 10.0

Capsicum a. 3x 10.0

Robinia pseudacacia 2x 10.0

Acidum sulphuricum 4x 10.0

Phosphorus 5x 10.0

Excipients Q.S. to 100.0

10 to 15 drops of Gastrobin should be administered three times day before meals.

To support this therapy, an appropriate diet is advised.

Gastrobin Natrum Phosphoricum's active ingredient treats ailments with excessive acidity, sour eructation, sour vomiting, and flatulence with sour risings.

Capsicum annum: Stomatitis, excessive flatulence, atonic dyspepsia.

Hyperchlorhydria, colic, and flatulence, as well as nighttime stomach aches are all symptoms of Robinia pseudoacacia.

Gastralgia, heartburn, and sour eructation are all symptoms of acidum sulphuricum.

Phosphorus: Belching, stomach irritation, sour taste and sour eructation after every meal.


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