Or premature old age in younger people, a weak erection while trying to coitus, irregular emissions, emissions at night, uncontrollable emissions when passing stool or peeing, emissions without erections, and emissions as a result of self-abuse (masturbation).


Teens who first experience sexual desire often face difficult circumstances. New sexual feelings that were not familiar to the person throughout their formative years may also cause them to engage in inappropriate sexual behaviour. This can waste their fear energy and have unfavourable effects in the sexual domain. As shown by the use of its pharmacology special below, ADEL 36 (POLLON) drops intervene to counteract all of the horrifying effects caused by utilising sexual aberrations in a single manner.

Conium 6X, Acidum phosphoricum 6X, Caladium seguinum 6X, Nuphar lutea 6X, Pausinystalia 12X, Piper methysticum 8X, and Staphysagria 6X are some more common supplements. Acidum phosphoricum is very helpful in cases of nervous weakness brought on by sexual deviations that have persisted for a long time. It is the most effective treatment for sexual neurasthenia and spermatorrhoea. The heart's anxiety is also included in its action. Caladium seguinum is used to treat diminished performance that is shown with the help of an inadequate erection and excessive sexual arousal.

Apprehensive exhaustion, which limits nighttime emissions and manages circumstances leading to premature ejaculation, is used to treat Conium maculatum. Sensations inside the head and mood depressions are the main causes of semen loss through nighttime emissions or emissions without an erection. By arranging for higher blood flow to the sexual organ by the motion of easy blood vessel muscles, nuphar lutea eliminates the discrepancy between sexual choice and related erection.

It is a psycho-energetic plant called Pausinystalia. Yohimbin, a psychotropic chemical found within, has aphrodisiac effects on the sexual organs. Yohimbin reduces blood pressure and promotes blood flow inside the groyne. On the one hand, it's designed to increase libido, but it can also be used to cure naturally occurring poor erections. Piper methysticum alleviates all irritants from the sexual world and alters bad moods brought on by psychic disorders and physical weakness, which greatly increases the overall impact of POLLON.

Self-abuse and spermatorrhoea combined with constant living on a sexual mind that has broken nerves leads to such mental and emotional disorientation that it forces the person to indulge in self-abuse once more. This causes similar weakness, back pain, and bad humour. Staphysagria is used to break this cycle so that it won't happen again.


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