Testicles, uterine, ovarian, and tongue warts are all treated with aurum muriaticum natronatum.

Willmar Schwabe Aurum Muriaticum Natronatum applications

It is mostly a feminine cure for uterine problems.

complaints that follow annoyance (anger)

Boring pains can affect any part of the body, including the legs, back, eyes, ears, and nose.

White stools, abdominal discomfort, and liver cirrhosis.

Ovaritis (affected ovary) Suicidal thoughts and irritation in the stomach.


Aurum Muriaticum Natronatum

Willmar Schwabe Aurum Muriaticum Natronatum common symptoms

Nose ulcers and hardening of the nose edema.

loose teeth and gum problems.

Endometriosis, uterine ulcers, nausea, and loss of appetite.

cases of gouty aches or many joint pains from the past.

vaginal pustules, a white discharge that itches and leads to ulceration.


Important Willmar Schwabe Aurum Muriaticum Natronatum symptoms

tongue warts, decay in the jaw.

All diseases relating to female organs, including congestion, uterine and ovarian irritation, subacute metritis, ovaritis, excessive and early menstruation, nymphomania, uterine ulceration, and endocervicitis

ovarian enlargement that extends all the way to the umbilicus.

Walking is made harder by dull pains in the legs.

neck pain that travels to the shoulders.

Intolerable body itch all over.

Menstrual irregularities and delays, insufficient sexual drive, due to ovarian problems or a problem with the ovaries, unable to become pregnant.


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