SBL Nixocid Syrup, indigestion, hyperacidity, and gas || Rightaid

SBL Homoeopathy with nixocid Syrup is recommended to ease stomach burning and lessen gas production. Consequently, acidity symptoms and indicators are successfully reduced.

SBL Nixocid

Nixocid balances the stomach's pH, which can become off owing to drunkenness, smoking, stress, anxiety, spicy foods, irregular eating patterns, and long-term NSAID use that causes hyperacidity. Nixocid normalizes the pH of the stomach to treat hyperacidity and its accompanying symptoms. Stomach acidity causes a burning sensation in the chest and stomach as well as gas production and sour belching. Excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, spicy meals, irregular eating patterns, and long-term painkiller usage all contribute to acidity. Acidity is often linked to stress and anxiety. Some symptoms include heartburn, nausea, stomach ache that worsens after eating or when the stomach is still empty, and sour belching. Nixocid, a product of SBL, relieves stomach burning and lessens gas production. Consequently, acidity symptoms and indicators are successfully reduced.

Using some mint leaves to make tea and drinking it after meals will help you reduce acidity at home naturally.  Another helpful treatment is to suck on a clove.  Take BBP dyspepsin pills and Nixocid syrup for the best effects. Heartburn, sour eructation, flatulence, a burning sensation in the stomach, gastritis, and gastric ulcers are symptoms of nixocid.


Nixocid's compositional action:

Natrum phosphoricum 3x: Natrum Phos balances acidic situations' pH levels. Ferments can occur and digestion can be slowed down if the alkaline Natrum Phosphate is not balanced properly in the gastric environment. It controls bile production. With the use of Natrum Phos, acidity, heartburn, dyspepsia, gas, distention or bloating, flatulence, and other digestive disorders can be relieved. Dyspepsia brought on by farinaceous and fermentable foods, such as cabbage, beans, and A small number of food leads to fullness.

Eructations following consumption of food and liquids. Belching will stop for the time being. eructations that are putrid, sour, or rotten. Eructations following a meal or beverage. Belching will stop for the time being. eructations that are putrid, sour, or rotten.

Robinia pseudocacia - 3x: The symptoms of acidity in the stomach are clearly noticeable. Frontal headaches are accompanied by Robinia's acidity. eructations with extreme acridity.

There are no unfavorable side effects or contraindications associated with SBL Nixocid Syrup. Give lots of fluids in the event of an unintentional overdose. Keep children at a distance.


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