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Alcoholism, smoking, stress, anxiety, spicy meals, irregular eating patterns, and extended NSAID use can all affect the pH of the stomach and cause hyperacidity.

Nixocid Syrup

Nixocid is a product of SBL that was created by the R&D department and is a combination of effective homeopathic therapeutic medications. Nixocid Syrup normalizes the pH of the stomach to treat hyperacidity and its accompanying symptoms.

AREA OF ACTION: Gastric ulcers, flatulence, sour eructation, heartburn, and flatulence.


The components in SBL Nixocid Syrup

Carbo vegetabilis - 6x Robinia pseudacacia - 3x Natrum phosphoricum - 3x Lycopodium clavatum - 3x


SBL Nixocid Syrup's dosage and usage instructions

 1 to 2 teaspoons 3 to 4 times daily. In severe cases, 2-3 times every hour.


Rules And Regulations

Homeopathic remedies have a variety of applications and should be used based on symptom similarities. Results may change based on the circumstances.


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