Hapro Digestone: Relief From Bloating, Acidity, Gas, and Other Digestive Issues

Hapro Digestone: Relieves Acidity, Bloating, Gas, and Other Digestive Issues. Releases trapped gas in the digestive tract and provides relief from discomfort and digestive disorders.  aids in protein digestion and encourages the production of enzymes. corrects the negative consequences of overeating and heavy meals. It works well to reduce belly bloating, and flatulence, and to enhance food digestion and absorption.


Digestone syrup


Treats indigestion in a holistic manner

Minimizes Hyperacidity

The use of Digestone syrup will lead to a better digestive system.

Acts as Antiflatulent & Antacid.

Gas & Acidity.

Gastric Pain.



Each 5ml contains

Nux Vomica Ø - 0.4ml

Hydrastis Canadensis Ø - 0.4ml

Chelidonium Maj Q - 0.1 ml

Mentha Arvensis Ø - 0.3 ml

Zingiber Officinalis Ø - 0.2ml

ocimum S. Ø - 0.1ml

Carica P. Ø - 0.5ml

Mag phos. 3x - 100 mg

Kali phos. 3x - 100 mg

Alcohol Contents 10%



It removes body toxin (ama) and prevents its accumulation

It is effective for relieving abdominal distension, relieving flatulence, improving digestion and absorption of food

It can also be used in anorexia and all vata disorders

indicated in treating flatulent colic, deranged digestion, infantile colic, bilious colic with the accumulation of gas

helps in treating the flatulence and spasmodic contraction of the stomach and esophagus with reverse peristalsis and obstinate constipation


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