RightAid sells Bapi Cough Syrup (450ml) online.

 INDICATIONS: This homeopathic cough syrup works really well. This Bapi Cough Syrup and Tonic were created by the research division of Hahnemann Homoeo Pharmacy & Laboratory for those who have bronchitis, a cold, breathing issues, bronchial spasm, etc. It can also be used for chest pain, dry cough, whooping cough, and other conditions.

bapi Cough Syrup

DOSAGE: Take 2 to 3 teaspoonfuls, 3 to 4 times a day, or as your doctor instructs.

COMPOSITION: Each 5 ml. Contains: Aralia Racemosa Q 0.10ml., Belladonna Q 0.10ml., Bryonia Alba Q 0.10ml., Drosera Rotundifolia Q 0.10ml., Sassurea Lappa Q 0.05ml., Ipecacucanha Q 0.05ml., Justicia Adhatoda Q 0.10ml., Mentha Piperita Q 0.10ml., Ocimum Sanctum Q 0.05ml., Senega Q 0.05ml., Syrup Q.S. Colour Caramel Q.S Purified Water to 5 ml. Alcohol Content: 10. 36% v/v


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