Online pharmacy for homoeopathic medication Hapro Digestone Syrup || RightAid

Digestone Syrup Hapro

Homoeopathic Digestive Tonic and Antacid are indicated in cases of indigestion, stomach disorders, sour eructations, flatulence, acidity, constipation, burning in the chest and stomach, chronic tendency of irregular bowel movements, distension of the abdomen even after eating a small amount of food, loss of appetite with apathy to food, loud-rumbling belching with acidic water in the mouth, and gastrointestinal bleeding (water brash).


Digestone Syrup

A Hapro Digestone Syrup indication

Constipation, flatulence, and indigestion

chronic digestive weakness

Chronic propensity for inconsistent bowel motions

abdominal discomfort even after eating a small meal


Effects of Hapro Digestone Syrup Ingredients

Nux Vomica: Vomiting and nausea with a lot of retching and eructations of sour or bitterness

The symptoms of Hydrastis canadensis include a persistent stomach ache. sluggish digestion

Gastralgia; stomach ache with hepatic symptoms; Chelidonium majus.

decrease in appetite.

Mentha Arvensis: Bloated, sleep-inducing. a child's colic. bilious colic with significant gas buildup.

Zingiber Officinalis: Flatulence, cutting pain, and diarrhoea brought by by drinking contaminated water. diarrhoea, cramping, and very loose stools

ocimum S.: eructation, hiccough, anorexia, and a distended belly. gripping in the right iliac fossa and primarily in the hepatic area of the abdomen gurgling and abdominal heaviness; not despite frequent bowel movements.

Carica P. : It helps with stomachaches brought on either jaundice or an enlarged spleen.

Mag phos. 3x: Dysentry with cramp-like pains and flatulent colic that requires bending twice to relieve itself are symptoms of Mag Phos.

3x Kali phos When stomach pain gets worse at night or when being urged to go to the bathroom without success, it is checked with Kali Phos.


Hapro Digestone Syrup dosage

1 teaspoon for children; 2 teaspoons for adults.

taken after meals, as needed, or per a doctor's instructions.


Rules and Regulations

Homoeopathic remedies have a variety of applications and should be used based on symptom similarities. Results may change based on the circumstances.


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