Clearstone drops SBL is a product with a distinct composition of the most effective homeopathic medicines that is specifically helpful in removing the kidney/ureter stone quickly and to provide relief from renal colic (pain).

Clearstone drop SBL


Clearstone drops Indications are:

Kidney/Ureter Stones (Unilateral/Bilateral). Renal and Ureteric calculi.


Clearstone Drops contains:

Berberis Vulgaris MT - 10% v/v: Colic pain radiating, shooting outwards, sticking, burning, smarting, sore, insensible to heat and cold. Urinary system - Gurgling or bubbling sensations in the kidneys, especially, left sided. Urine greenish, blood red, with thick slimy mucus.

Sarsaparilla MT - 10% v/v: Pain from right kidney downwards. Renal colic. Severe pain at the conclusion of urination.

Ocimum canum MT - 10% v/v:  A good remedy for renal calculus with right-sided renal colic. Uric acid diathesis. Urine with high acidity. Brick dust red or yellow sediment in urine. Pain in ureters. Cramps in kidneys.

Solidago virgaurea MT - 10% v/v: Scanty, reddish brown, thick sediment, dysuria, gravel. Difficult and scanty. Albumen, blood, and slime in urine. Pain in the kidneys extends forward to the abdomen and bladder.

Pareira brave MT - 10% v/v: Constant urging; great straining; pain down thighs during efforts to urinate. Itching along the urethra; urethritis.

Senecio aureus MT - 10% v/v: Great heat and constant urging. Nephritis. Renal colic.

Excipients - q.s.

Alcohol content - 61% v/v


Clearstone drop SBL dosages are as follows

10-15 drops in 1/4 cup of water thrice a day.


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