Gastrobin is a Homeopathy product currently used in the treatment of such gastric disorders and associated symptoms.

Acidum sulphuricum: It covers heartburn and sour eructations and is useful in cases of gastralgia in which the pains are either violent and contractive or are of a dull, heavy, aching with flatulence. Loss of appetite and great debility are also covered. Capsicum annum: It covers symptoms like burning in the stomach after eating, great flatulence from vegetables, flatulent colic, atonic dyspepsia, and painless rumbling in the abdomen. Natrum phosphoricum: It acts in the conditions of sour eructations after eating, sour vomiting, dyspepsia from fatty food, flatulence, rumbling, and symptoms. Phosphorus: It is an established medicine for eructations, vomiting of food, or blood that are temporarily ameliorated by ice-cold drinks, but return as the stomach becomes warm. Dyspepsia with excessive flatulence and white tongue. Robinia pseudocacia: Helpful in conditions like constant eructations of very sour fluid, heartburn and acidity especially at night, on lying down, distentio...