Hapro Digestone Syrup : Acts as Antiflatulent & Antacid. Gas & Acidity. Gastric Pain.


135 (gms)


10 (cm) x 7 (cm) x 7 (cm)

Digestone Syrup

Hapro Digestone Syrup

Homoeopathic Antacid and Digestive Tonic indicated in cases of indigestion, stomach disorders, sour eructations, flatulence, acidity, constipation, burning in chest and stomach, chronic tendency of irregular bowel movements, distension of abdomen even after eating a little food, loss of appetite with apathy to food, loud-rumbling belching with acidic water in mouth (water brash).


Indications of Hapro Digestone Syrup

Indigestion, Flatulence, Constipation

Chronic weakness of Digestion

Chronic tendency of irregular bowel movements

Distension of abdomen even after eating a little food

Action of Ingredients in Hapro Digestone Syrup

Nux Vomica Ø: Nausea and vomiting, with much retching, sour, bitter eructations


Hydrastis Canadensis Ø: Sore feeling in stomach more or less constant. Weak digestion.


Chelidonium majus Ø: Gastralgia; pain in stomach with hepatic complaints.Loss of appetite.


Mentha Arvensis Ø: Bloated, disturbing sleep. Infantile colic. Bilious colic with great accumulation of gas.


Zingiber Officinalis Ø:  Diarrhoea from drinking bad water, with much flatulence, cutting pain, relaxation of sphincter. Colic; diarrhœa; extremely loose bowels


ocimum S. Ø: Distended abdomen; eructation; anorexia; hiccough. Gripping in abdomen, mostly hepatic region and right iliac fossa. Gurgling and heaviness in the abdomen; not > in spite of frequent passage of stool.


Carica P. Ø : It is useful in abdominal pains due to Jaundice or enlarged spleen.


Mag phos. 3x: Dysentry with cramp like pains, flatulent colic needs to bend double for relief is an indication of Mag Phos.


Kali phos. 3x Pain in abdomen aggravated at night, Griping pain in hypogastrium with ineffectual urging to stool is checked with Kali Phos.


Dosage of Hapro Digestone Syrup

child :1 teaspoonful


adult:2 teaspoonful


Taken After meals/ when required or as directed by the physician.


Terms and Conditions

Homeopathic products have several uses and should be taken on the basis of symptom similarity. Results may vary depending upon the conditions.


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