Most Efficient Homeopathic Medicine For Kidney Stones
Kidney stones, or renal calculi, are solid masses made of crystals. Kidney stones usually originate in your kidneys but can develop anywhere along your urinary tract. The urinary tract includes the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. Kidney stones are known to be one of the most painful medical conditions. The causes of kidney stones vary according to the type of stone. Types of Kidney Stones : Not all kidney stones are made up of the same crystals. The different types of Homeopathic Treatment For Kidney Stones include: Calcium: Calcium stones are the most common. They can be made of calcium oxalate (most common), phosphate, or maleate. Eating fewer oxalate-rich foods can reduce your risk of developing this type of stone. High-oxalate foods include potato chips, peanuts, chocolate, beets, and spinach. Uric Acid: This type of kidney stone is more common in men than in women. They can occur in people with gout or those go...